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Author Archive for: Colin Maggs

April 6, 2017
06 Apr 2017


Bioreactors are an edge of field conservation drainage practice that is installed to improve water quality by reducing the amount of nitrates in drainage tile water before it is released to surface waters.

Results of research on pilot scale and field scale bioreactors show reduced nitrate levels in drainage water by 10% to greater than 90%, depending on the bioreactor, the drainage system, and the weather patterns for a given year. Some materials can be added to bioreactors to reduce phosphorous levels if present in the tile drainage water.

A bioreactor is a subsurface trench located along the edge of a field that is filled with a carbon source, most often wood chips. The trench is usually lined with a polymer material prior to the addition of the carbon source material to manage the water flows in the structure. A fabric material and topsoil cover the top of the bioreactor. The carbon source in the trench serves as a substrate for bacteria that breaks down the nitrate through denitrification processes converting it to nitrogen gas.

Water level control structures manage the flow of water into the bioreactor and allow excess flows to bypass the system so that the tile drainage system isn’t restricted. Usually two water control structures are used in the bioreactor design and each structure plays a different role. The inflow structure routes the water into the bioreactor, allowing excess water to bypass the bioreactor in the existing tile main during high-flow events. The outflow control structure manages the water within the bioreactor, ensuring that there is the proper time to remove nitrates from the water as it flows through and before leaving the structure. Depending on the topography of the site, new design methods may allow one water control structure to manage both inflows into and outflows from the bioreactor.

Bioreactors can be retrofitted to nearly any existing tile drainage systems and do not usually require any change in the drainage system. Good planning and careful siting can lead to little or no land being taken out of production. Soil type is not a criterion for locating these structures, so they can go in just about any location. The lifespan of a bioreactor is estimated to be 15 to 20 years. The area immediately above the bioreactor is not suitable for field traffic as the materials in the bioreactor are generally soft and can compress. Any method to exclude traffic from that area is advised.

The USDA-NRCS has financial assistance available in most states for the installation of bioreactors. Many nonprofits, Conservation Districts and some state agencies also have funding available to assist with the cost of implementing these structures.



July 15, 2013
15 Jul 2013

Dave White to Keynote at Water Quality Trading Roundtable – July 17 in Cincinnati

DATE: July 15, 2013
CONTACT: Esther Denham, 888.826.5112, esther@ecoexch.com

(Washington, D.C.) Dave White, President of Ecosystem Services Exchange and retired Chief of the Natural Conservation Resources Service will deliver a keynote presentation on July 17 The National Roundtable on Water Quality Trading, convened in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Roundtable is an initiative of the U.S. Water Alliance and partners including the Electric Power Research Institute, The Freshwater Trust, Willamette Partnership, and World Resources Institute. The dialogue will highlight advances in trading over the past ten years, and the growing need for improving science, developing standards, and greater transparency and accountability. For more information and to see a detailed agenda, please visit http://bit.ly/WQTrading.

“Agriculture is the biggest user of water in the world,” said White. “70% of the lower 48 states are private lands, most in agriculture. With a growing world population, demand for food is growing exponentially, both domestically and globally. We will need to produce more food within the next generation than we have in the history of agriculture and so we need better ways to conserve and protect our water resources now.”

Roundable attendees will hear and discuss a diversity of views and experiences from key policy makers, industry and agriculture leaders, environmental groups, and other stakeholders leading discussions on the hottest topics and opportunities.

In addition to the Roundtable, there is a pre-roundtable session, Agriculture and Water Quality Trading: Situation and Case Studies, on July 17th. The free session is being facilitated by RESOLVE and the Sand County Foundation. It will offer participants an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities in water quality trading with agriculture by hearing directly from the people involved in significant efforts in Ohio and Wisconsin. It will look at specific examples of water quality trading and be an excellent preparation for the full-day meeting on the 18th.

Ecosystem Services Exchange works with private and public landowners, producers and facility managers to protect, improve and value ecosystem services and natural resources-using a market-based approach. Ecosystem Services Exchange is the leader in reducing nutrient loss from agricultural lands. We are best investment for water quality because we deliver significant, reliable and quantifiable results so that you meet regulatory requirements at lower cost. This reduces downstream impacts and costs to treat water.


July 15, 2013
15 Jul 2013

Adoption and Implementation of Drainage Water Management

DWM - AgriDrain Technical Brief 8-3-12 v11_w-pdf

July 15, 2013
15 Jul 2013

Conservation Drainage

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July 15, 2013
15 Jul 2013

Riparian Buffers

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July 15, 2013
15 Jul 2013


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